Respected EU MEPs! Great Respected EU Citizens!

Wielce Szanowni Eurodeputaty z EU!

Wielce Szanowani Obywatele EU!

Professor Danuata Hübner, PhD, said at the forum of the European Parliament.

Profesor doktor habilitowana, Danuta Hübner powiedziała na forum parlamentu europejskiego.

Europe sets the trend for the whole world.

Europa nadaje trend dla całego świata.


Is the Polish Notary and the European Notary under the rule of the Law Commission in the EU a worldwide trend!?

Czy Notariat Polski i Notariat Europejski pod panowaniem Komisji Prawa w EU jest ogólnoświatowym trendem!?

* Posting on WordPress explains the fascist trend of United Europe well enough:

This letter is published on WordPress at:


The problem of United Europe and a member state, Poland, is not about human rights. It’s even worse. But about the elementary laws of mathematics and logic, which have been known to all mankind for over 6,000 years. Danuta Hübner and other members of the European Parliament and the European Commission cannot understand that there is no possibility to put an equal sign between:

0.68 hectares = 0.82 hectares!

So in units of the international „SI” system:

6800 [m2] = 8200 [m2]

Best regards,

Kazimierz R. Wojewodzki


© Kazimierz Roman Wojewodzki

9 uwag do wpisu “DANUTA HÜBNER


    Komisja Prawa w Unii Europejskiej
    Europejski Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich

    Do służbowego zastosowania osoby i instytucje zainteresowane z urzędu przestrzeganiem podstawowych norm i prawa międzynarodowego.

    W nawiązaniu do pisma pana Michała Lasoty z dnia 31 stycznia 2023, załącznik:


    Nie przyjmuję do wiadomości treści zawartych w piśmie RSDP.8013.376.2021(PU).
    (*Rozumiem jednocześnie, że żaden osobnik gatunku homosapiens, który posiada dyplom podstawowego wykształcenia. Nie zaakceptuje równania matematycznego postaci: 0,68 hektara = 0,82 hektara ). Informacje dodatkowe. Gatunek homosapiens, czyli człowiek myslący to nie jest to samo co homorectus.

    Informacje zawarte w przedmiotowym piśmie z dnia 31 stycznia 2023 stoją w sprzeczności z podstawowymi aksjomatami matematyki!!!

    Merytorycznie sprawa jest (między innymi!!!) o sfałszowany akt notarialny Rep. A numer 5938/1996 i współudział w tym procederze sędziów z województwa pomorskiego:


    Andrzej Michałowicz – Prezes Sądu Okręgowego w Słupsku – Kazimierz R. Wojewodzki (wordpress.com)

    W sprawie zaistniały dodatkowe materiały, które powinny być pomocne w ponownym rozpoznaniu sprawy:

    DANUTA HÜBNER – Kazimierz R. Wojewodzki (wordpress.com)
    Law Committee – Kazimierz R. Wojewodzki (wordpress.com)

    INTERNATIONAL UNION of NOTARIES – Kazimierz R. Wojewodzki (wordpress.com)



    Best regards,
    Kazimierz R. Wojewodzki


  2. Ladies and Gentlemen of:

    European Commission!
    European Parliament!


    Dear Sirs of the United States of America!


    According to media reports, Donald Tusk is negotiating money for Poland. This is called KPO.

    In this place. Before the notables from Brussels and Stasburg negotiate anything with Donald Tusk. Who lost the election to PiS in the ratio of 196 (PiS):162 (Tusk) (The rest of the seats 67+26 are people from SLD and PSL, who count politics only in the amount of USD they have). Therefore, it should be understood from the very beginning that Tusk represents a minority.

    But never mind the politics, because I don’t represent anyone. Neither PiS nor PO. I am only interested in international law and money (currently the world money is the US dollar, which is why the address includes the USA. The euro is not the world money and never will be. Every economist knows this).

    Well, the EU should get acquainted with the facts of Tusk and his policy:

    If the case is about the Polish Minister of Defense, Radek Sikorski. Sikorski is, of course, responsible for the illegal stay of workers from the DPRK in Poland. Secondly, this man accused the US of sabotaging the NS2 gas pipeline. In fact, he blamed President Biden and the White House administration. Sikorski said that he was doing it only on his own behalf. In such a situation, you should write a declaration to the European Commission that you are acting in the EU only on your own behalf. You have no right to act on behalf of Poland, because you act and make statements in your own name. Do you understand, Sikorski?

    Apart from that. Sikorski (of course) wrote on his own behalf about President Trump that Trump is an idiot. Sikorski, Mr. Trump has problems with American law. President Biden also has many opponents. But that’s not the reason. For any European politician, especially a Polish one. He wrote that Trump is an idiot and Biden is a terrorist. You understand, Sikorski, yours has the NEP mandate in the EU. It must be taken away from you today. Because you, Sikorski, are not a politician, but a European braggart like the Minister of Propaganda Geobels.

    If the matter is about the only representative of Poland, who has 30 fewer seats in the Sejm than PiS and is the only representative of Poland in the EU.

    Madams and Gentelmens of the whole world!

    They should know that Donald Tusk is intellectually disabled. Donald Tusk is like:

    GARDENER according to the writer Kosinski. This was, of course, an American plot. In Poland we already had a man with basic education as president. Will the EU and Poland now have a significantly intellectually disabled person, Tusk? In fact?

    Everyone already knows that Tusk is mentally disabled. Tusk called two demonstrations in Poland in order to gain power. One demonstration took place on June 4, 2023 in Warsaw. Tusk then published a message on TVN that 500,000 citizens participated. (De facto, foreign media reported that there were no more than 100,000). Tusk, obsessed with power, called on October 1, 2023 (in order to intimidate the PiS authorities). Next manifestation. Tusk announced on TVN that over 1,000,000 citizens participated in this demonstration!
    (Foreign media and Polish police carefully counted the participants and reported the number. No more than 100,000.


    Dear Sirs!

    Do you already know why Tusk is a Polish idiot from Sopot?

    In Warsaw, on three small roundabouts and four small streets. It is not even physically possible to accommodate 100,000 people. However, Tusk, with the stubbornness of a maniacally retarded person, still claims that there were over one million demonstrators there at that time (commentaries on TVN television).

    Dear Sirs, I do not want to be perceived in the EU and the USA as an outstanding oppositionist for PO and Tusk.

    I will say one more thing. There are much stupider MEPs in the EU, from the PiS party, than Donald Tusk.

    For example, MEP Beata Kempa.
    But more on that later. Unless he withdraws from politics.


    On this occasion. Let the EU deal with my private matters regarding international law. Which in the EP and the European Commission. It drags on in Strasbourg and Brussels for far too long. Because
    from 2015:


    Law Committee


  3. _________________________

    An open letter to the Pomaska MP and the EU Law Committee.

    I am forced to do so for the sake of the constitutional order of the Republic of Poland and for the legal regulations of Poland’s membership in the EU structures. Publish the open letter in two language versions – EN – PL


    Dear Pomaska!

    The case is about BARBARA NOWACKA.

    Nowacka canvassed in front of the ballot boxes during the election silence. Additionally, she was brazen enough to publish it on the X platform.

    Pomaska, on November 13, 2023, the deputies of the 10th term will be sworn in and sworn in. NOWACKA because she broke the sacred rules of electoral silence. He cannot be a member of parliament of the Republic of Poland. (She probably received at least 30,000 more votes due to the canvassing on October 15, 2023).

    That’s one thing, POMASKA.


    Two case.

    Tusk should also not be a Polish MP due to the fact that he is a human being, deeply intellectually disabled:

    His public declarations of June 4, 2023 and even worse ones of October 1, 2023. They disqualify this man as a rational man in the eyes of world public opinion. (Including enlightened people in the EU and Europe – Switzerland, Norway, Great Britain). As a rational person capable of making decisions on behalf of Poland and the EU.

    A publication on WordPress servers explains Tusk’s IQ problem well enough:


    *Tusk Syndrome is a colloquial example of „THE GARDENER” from the film based on the script by the Polish-Jewish writer, Kosinski. Tusk looks normal, but his knowledge is at least insufficient in basic issues important for the entire civilized, and I emphasize CIVILIZED, world (USA, EU, PRC, Russian Federation, India, etc. etc.).

    I understand POMASKA that you will submit appropriate notifications to the prosecutor’s office regarding BARBARA NOWACKA and Donald Tusk. You, POMASKA, are in the Sejm of the 9th term,


    Vice-President of the Commission for EU Affairs
    Chairwoman of the Pomeranian Parliamentary Group


    Therefore, you should understand that you must care the most. So that Poland’s image in the eyes of world public opinion does not suffer because of people like Donald Tusk and Barbara NOWACKA!

    POMASKA due to the fact that the case is international. The text of this open letter to the Member of Parliament of the 10th term of office. I also publish in English to make everything clear and understandable to citizens of the world.


    By the way, POMASKA. Already at the first meeting of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland on November 13, 2023, Mr. KOLODZIEJCZAK should have been looked at carefully. Because of his aspirations in Tusk’s new cabinet. Due to Kolodziejczak’s professional knowledge and due to the declarations made on website X:


    The letter is published on WORDPRESS:



    List otwarty do posel Pomaski i do komisji prawa w EU.

    Ja zmuszony jestem, w trosce o konstytucyjny porzadek Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej oraz w trosce o regulacje prawne przynaleznosci Polski do struktur EU. Publikowac list otwarty w dwoch wersjach jezykowych – EN – PL


    Szanowna Pomaska!

    Sprawa jest o BARBARE NOWACKA.

    Nowacka podczas ciszy wyborczej agitowala przed urnami wyborczymi. Dodatkowo byla na tyle bezczelna, ze publikowala to na platformie X.

    Pomaska, dnia 13XI2023 odbedzie sie slubowanie i zaprzysiezenie deputowanych X kadencji. NOWACKA z uwagi na to, ze zlamala swiete zasady ciszy wyborczej. Nie moze byc poslem RP. ( Otrzymala najprawdopodobniej z racji agitacji dnia 15X2023 co najmniej 30.000 glosow wiecej).

    To jedno, POMASKA.

    Tusk takze nie powinien byc poslem RP z racji tego, ze jest to osobnik ludzki, gleboko uposledzony intelektualnie:

    Jego publiczne deklaracje z dnia 4VI2023 i jeszcze gorsze z dnia 1X2023. Dyskwalifikuja tego czlowieka jako czlowieka rozumnego w oczach swiatowej opinii publicznej. ( W tym ludzi swiatlych w EU i Europie – Szwajcaria, Norwegia, Wielka Brytania). Jako czlowieka rozumnego zdolnego do podejmowania dezyzji w imieniu Polski i EU.

    Publikacja na serwerach WordPress wyjasnia dostatecznie dobrze problem Tuska jego IQ:


    *Syndrom Tuska to kolokwialny przyklad „OGRODNIKA” z filmu wedlug scenariusza polsko- zydowskiego pisarza, Kosinskiego. Tusk wyglada normalnie ale jego wiedza jest co najmniej niedostateczna w podstawowych kwestiach, waznych dla calego cywilizowanego, podkreslam CYWILIZOWANEGO swiata ( USA, EU, ChRL, Federacja Rosyjska, Indie, etc. etc.).

    Rozumiem POMASKA, ze Ty zlozysz do prokuratury odpowiednie zawiadomienia dotyczace BARBARY NOWACKIEJ i Donalda Tuska. Ty POMASKA jestes przeciez w Sejmie IX kadencji,


    Wiceprzewodnicząca Komisji ds. UE
    Przewodnicząca Pomorskiego Zespołu Parlamentarnego


    Rozumiec zatem nalezy, ze Tobie musi zalezec najbardziej. Aby wizerynek Polski w oczach swiatowej opinii publicznej nie ucierpial przez takich ludzi jak Donald Tusk i Barbara NOWACKA!

    POMASKA z uwagi na to, ze sprawa jest miedzynarodowa. Tekst tego listu otwartego do Pani Posel na Sejm X kadencji. Publikuje takze w jezyku angielskim aby bylo wszystko jasne i zrozumiale dla obywateli swiata.


    Na marginesie POMASKA. Juz na pierwszym posiedzeniu Sejmu RP w dniu 13XI2023 nalezalo by przyjrzec sie uwaznie panu KOLODZIEJCZAK. Z uwagi na jego aspiracje w nowym gabinecie Tuska. Z uwagi na fachowa wiedza Kolodziejczaka i z uwagi na jego deklaracje gloszone w serwisie X:



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