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Dear Professor Jacobson! 

Theree is a tragic mistake in the sketch „DAMPER” on the website:


This should be corrected as soon as possible:

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dYWxbzfF9iQA0X4g9nnGW2VhsskAczhP/view?usp=drivesdk – Add.

Dear Professor, now you invite your graduate Anders Hedman and his fellow engineers (they are visible in the photo):


Thenn ask them. Do they see any flaws in the DAMPER sketch. But don’t show in patches.

Best regards, Kazimierz R. Wojewódzki.

On Sat, 12 Dec 2020, 12:41 Kazimierz Wojewódzki, <jwxkrw@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Sirs and Madams of Chalmers Göteborg!

Dear Sirs and Madams SE MEPs!

What is happening at the Swedish Volvo?
I wrote 1000 e-mails to people from Volvo. Anders Hedman, Professor Bengt Jacobson. And others.
On motoring:



But the most important thing is not about Volvo. The case is about Polish MEPs. Danuta Hubner, Janusz Lewandowski and all the rest. Who in the European committees misrepresent the European authorities. In such a situation, I am asking the Swedes to inform the EP at all committees about lawlessness in Poland. And the lawlessness is done by Commissioner Janusz Lewandowski. Below is the content in Polish for Polish MEPs.
* A special Christmas gift for Swedish mathematicians. Who are as good as Polish. App: Developing of. …. pdf


This e-mail would never have been sent to Sweden had it not been for the Polish communist pigs from the Polish provinces. Człuchów and Chojnice. And commissioner Janusz Lewandowski helps them.
I need my money to immigrate to the US. Because there is work for me.
There is no suitable job for me in Europe.

Dear Sirs and Madams!

Szanowni Państwo Posłowie, Posłanki i Senatorowie RP oraz Eurodeputaty do Parlamentu Europejskiego!

Czcigodni Włodarze Województwa Pomorskiego, 

Pani Prezydent Gdańska, Dulkiewicz,

Pan Prezydent Gdyni, Szczurek,

Rajcy Gdyńscy i Gdańscy!

Burmistrzowie i Starostowie Pomorscy 

i Samorządowcy Pomorscy, Marszałek doktor WSWFu, Struk!

ORAZ, Elita naukowa województwa pomorskiego.

Jego Magnificencja Rektor UG, Profesor Dr Hab. Jerzy Gwizdała!

 Z Dziekanami Wydziałów, Administracji i Prawa, Matematyki i Fizyki!

Jego Magnificencja Rektor Politechniki Gdańskiej, Procesor Dr Hab. Inżynier Krzysztof Wilde!

Z Dziekanami i Wykładowcami Wydziału Mechanicznego!

Jego Magnificencja Rektor Akademii Morskiej w Gdyni, Kapitan Żeglugi Wielkiej, Procesor Dr Hab. Inżynier Adam Weitrit!

more on the …..

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